Ministry from and for Ministers
Tim Stewart | Campus Ambassadors
As a staff member of Campus Ambassadors, I not only serve our college students through gospel ministry at the University at Buffalo, but I also have the privilege of serving our staff. I am the Ministry Partner Development Coordinator for Campus Ambassadors. I oversee the biblical generosity ministry that exists between our staff who raise their support and the individuals and churches that provide that support. My goal is to help our ministers connect with individuals and share with them the joy and opportunity they have to bring God's resources to bear on God's work for God's glory, and then to invite them to be a part of that blessing through financial support and/or volunteer service. My desire is that we would do everything in our power to enable our missionaries to be able to serve for an entire career. In Campus Ambassadors, we don't want to simply be a clearing house for the finances that missionaries need in order to serve in their respective communities. We want to be a ministry that serves its staff well, empowering them to live in emotional, spiritual, and financial health. We are presently working out a plan whose goal is to get all of our missionaries fully supported within the next three years. We are not worried about growth. We believe that if we focus on the health of our missionaries and our mission, God himself will bring whatever growth He desires.
These principles influence not just how we care for our staff, but also how we intend to minister to our college students. This summer, I took over as the director for the Campus Ambassadors ministry at the University at Buffalo. My desire is to raise up emotionally, spiritually, and yes, financially mature followers of Christ. Our goal is discipleship: the teaching and modeling of how to follow Christ with our whole life. It is my hope and prayer that God will bring alongside of us individuals who will support us in these efforts. Whether that is through finances, volunteer service, or some combination thereof, we intend to connect college students with as many mature Christians as possible, in order that they may have multiple opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the gospel.
Editor’s note: To learn more about volunteering with Campus Ambassadors and other ministry partners, please visit our Local Volunteer Opportunities page.