Dealing with the Overwhelming Burden of Ministry
Dave Drake | Renewed Hope
The ministry of Renewed Hope is one of commitment to helping people in ministry to deal with burnout, moral failure, and many of the other struggles that people in ministry face. This involves ministering to those who have had to step down for a season to be refreshed, redirected, or restored. Our overriding theme in all situations has been the soul care component that focuses on John 15:5 – I am the vine you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
This year in particular, God has directed us to help in preventing situations from becoming more serious, a kind of preventive ministry. This article is a composite of six or seven individuals in ministry who God has directed to our ministry for hope and healing. Some who have sought help have been pastors or associate pastors who lost sight of what they were called to do, became overwhelmed with the burdens of overwork, especially during this post-pandemic season. I meet with a missionary via skype who struggles to meet so many needs on so many fronts: things like gardening, feeding, and medical attention in addition to the desire to see people come to Christ. There is a couple young in their marriage, and at the same time launching a ministry. Another who is recently married while seeking to plant a church. A young pastor who is gripped with fear and ready to quit. Another missionary struggling with a child who is not sure what their gender identity is. All these bring to mind Paul, when he described his various persecutions and challenges. He stated that above all of these things he carried the burden of the spiritual cares of his people.
In our times with these individuals, we seek first to reconnect. To help them reconnect with the Lord Jesus Christ, who above anything they may do for the Kingdom desires that they fellowship with Him. We then seek to help them restore, whenever that is needed. This might involve going to their church in confession or to a spouse or family members and making things right. Sometimes this might involve redirecting. They may have become burned out simply because they were in a ministry that did not align with their gifts. In all, we seek to help them become rejuvenated, to regain the fire that they once had. When the missionary states that he is excited once again in what he is doing. When the couple hanging by a thread comes with smiles on their faces declaring that they have hope once again. When the pastor who once felt he was invincible now recognizes that he needs to seek Christ. And when God places a missionary who is struggling with his child’s expressing gender confusion in connection with others struggling with the same issues, we see God’s hand in all things and rejoice in the opportunities that God gives us to come alongside these precious people. That truly is Renewed Hope and we thank God for the opportunity to serve Him and them in this way!