Local Volunteer Opportunities
716 Ministries is in need of volunteers who would like to serve as mentors to develop relationships with our trainees and share Christ’s love. Other opportunities are also available. If interested, please contact Mikalah at (585) 213-1442 or mthomas@716ministries.org. Good for Adults.
Bridges International at the University at Buffalo would love to have volunteers help with outreach events to international students at U.B. We would also love for small groups and families to host international students for holiday dinners throughout the year. To learn more, contact Jason Beedon at (716) 201-8726 or jason.beedon@cru.org. Good for Adults.
Buffalo City Mission: Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Buffalo City Mission! With the help of volunteers like you, all of our programs and services are made possible to change lives at the Mission every day. For more information, visit our website at buffalocitymission.org/volunteer or contact Heather Mattiuzzo at (716) 854-8181 ext. 407 or hmattiuzzo@buffalocitymission.org. Good for Adults, Small Groups and Families.
Campus Ambassadors: We are looking for volunteers to provide rides for students to church, as well as to help facilitate Common Grounds, a free food and coffee event held weekly during the school year (UB North campus in Commons 200). If someone has skills they think could help our campus ministry, please contact Tim Stewart at (716) 263-8809. Good for Adults and Small Groups.
Christian Counseling Ministries: CCM is in need of seasonal clean up and general labor help. In the spring, we need help with yard cleanup, weeding, bush trimming, and mulch spreading. We also need help deep cleaning our building, upholstery and rug steam cleaning, exterior/interior window cleaning and interior painting (with skill and high ceiling ability). As needs arise, we have general handyman work as well. Please contact our office at (716) 632-3200. Good for Adults.
Christian Medical and Dental Associations: We desire an event coordinator with a heart for Health Care Professionals, students, and mission work. They will assist the area director to create an atmosphere of the hospitality, hope, and healing of Christ into our new center and community. Please contact Debra at debra.minotti@cmda.org. Good for Adults and Teens.
Cru Buffalo: We would love assistance from men and women with teaching gifts to potentially help speak at our weekly gathering (a co-ed group of 10-70 students depending on the university). Also, if you (or your small group) love to cook, we have several outreaches during the year where we could use assistance providing food for students. If interested, please contact Matthew Girdner at (585) 414-9794 or matthew.girdner@cru.org. Good for Adults and Small Groups.
Every Child: Every Child is in need of people willing to join our CarePortal Responder community. Responders are the key to helping us make meaningful connections to families in need to someone that has something to give. Learn more by visiting every-child.com/careportal. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Buffalo: FCA is seeking qualified adult huddle leaders to help walk middle school and high school athletes through Scripture, as well as volunteers to serve at annual events. Contact Amber Wing at awing@fca.org for more information. Good for Adults.
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry: Good News Jail & Prison Ministry of Niagara County has a need for additional prayer team members. If you have a desire to strategically pray for this life-changing ministry, please reach out to Chaplain Bill Whitmore at bill.whitmore@goodnewsjail.org. Good for Adults and Small Groups.
Hearts for the Homeless: Hearts has volunteer opportunities available in our thrift store, food pantry, mobile soup kitchen, and our commercial kitchen! Visit our website to find available volunteer time slots! Please contact Skylar Shurr at (716) 755-2426 (call or text) or through email at sshurr@heartsforthehomeless.org. Good for Adults, Small Groups and Families.
International Friendships: Interested in ministering to international students from UB? Consider becoming a friendship partner with IFI! Through this opportunity, you and your family (or small group), can show the love of Jesus through simple acts of hospitality and friendship. For more information, please contact Bruce Fulcher at b.fulcher@ifiusa.org or (716) 228-4474. Good for Adults, Small Groups and Families.
Jericho Road Community Health Center: Love to cook? We have a place for volunteers to assist in our kitchen at Vive Shelter and on our Spiritual Care Team. If you are interested, please contact Krista Schwartzott at krista.schwartzott@jrchc.org. For more information, you can also visit https://www.jrchc.org/volunteer/. Please note that all volunteers must be 18+ or volunteer with a parent or guardian. All volunteers must be fully vaccinated. Good for Adults, Small Groups and Families.
Kingdom Bound: Each year the annual Kingdom Bound festival recruits over 300 volunteers. We would love to have you join our team. If interested, please contact Danielle Rose at volunteers@kingdombound.org or (716) 633-1117 ext. 126. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
Lockport CARES: Lockport CARES needs daily Direct Care volunteers to serve our guests. In a given week we need to fill thirty (30) shifts, and each shift must be filled with two persons. If you are interested in volunteering with Lockport CARES, please contact Dani Kelkenberg at (716) 438-2273 or by email at adminassist@lockportcares.org. Background checks required. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
Lockport Care Net Pregnancy Center: We have volunteer needs with the following positions: Peer Counselor (training required) to work one-on-one with clients, Office Worker to help with day to day operations, and Fundraising Committee to help with events in the community. General work and prayer are always needed! If interested, please contact Lori Mead at (716) 434-1771 or lmead@lockportcarenet.com. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
Niagara Gospel Rescue Mission: We need volunteers for painting, food pantry organization, cleaning, baling of salvaged clothes (this is an off-site project), mentoring (for qualified individuals), 3M ministry (meals, music, message), outside landscaping, and various other projects. If interested, please contact Donna Stevens on her cell at (716) 946-6163. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
OpOverwatch: We utilize outreach and benevolence projects as ways to bring the knowledge of Jesus Christ to law enforcement. If you have skills in promotion, graphic arts, solicitation of businesses, or event planning, embrace the mission of OpOverwatch (OpOverwatch.org), and would like to volunteer, please email Steve Ritchie at sritchie@opoverwatch.org. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
People Against Trafficking Humans (PATH): PATH is in need of volunteers for evening and afternoon van drivers, evening clean up (including vacuuming, disinfecting surfaces, and cleaning the bathrooms) and kids room help specifically on Friday afternoon. If interested, please contact Becky Symon at (716) 601-5678 or via email at rebecca.symon@pathofwny.org. Good for Adults and Small Groups.
Saving Grace: Saving Grace needs volunteers to help with porch/deck repairs, as well as an ongoing need for painting and landscaping work. This includes lawn care, weed pulling, trimming, and gardening. If you are interested, please contact Trace Gillis at trace.gillis@sgmworld.org. Good for Adults.
SonRays: If you’re interested in getting more involved with SonRays, please go to the Volunteer tab on our website (sonraysministries.com) to sign up for our volunteer email list or call our office at (716) 695-9494. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
The Potter’s Hands: Looking to workout with a purpose? Volunteers are needed to help once a month on a Saturday morning for delivery/pickup of furniture (need to be able to carry heavy furniture). Help is also needed on Wednesday mornings at the warehouse to sort, clean, and organize donations, move furniture, and help with appointments. If interested, please contact Teddy Miller at donationcenter@thechapel.com or (716) 222-0791. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
The Teacher’s Desk: The Teacher’s Desk is in need of volunteers to help open, sort, and package products, as well as help teachers load their cars. If interested, please contact Christine Witten at volunteer@theteachersdesk.com. Good for Adults, Small Groups, Teens and Families.
Total Breakthrough: We are looking for Prayer Partners to help respond to the prayer requests we receive weekly. This is a fully remote volunteer opportunity consisting of communications via phone and email. If interested, please contact Dominic Secchiaroli at youaretheverybest@outlook.com or by phone at (716) 994 2942. Good for Adults.