The Gospel in Action  

Jason Beedon | Bridges International

I was at my daughter’s eighth grade moving up ceremony when I got the text, “I’ve spilled hot water on my feet, and I think I need some bandages.”  At first, I did not think that this was a major issue but in the next few hours I realized that one of our students at U.B. had serious burns on his feet and would need major medical attention. 

Working with international students is a wonderful ministry.  I love meeting students from around the world and learning fun things about their culture.  I love sharing the gospel and teaching them about God.  However, the longer I work with these students, the more I realize that my job is not only to lovingly proclaim of the gospel but also authentically live out of the gospel.  I think that an authentic living out of the gospel includes compassion, care, and kindness. 

As this situation evolved, I knew that God was calling me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to this student.  His name is “Shawn” and he had become a Christian in January.  We had shared the gospel with him for more than two years and it was exciting to see God at work in his life.  Now it was time for me to show him the gospel in action. 

My wife and I prayed for Shawn and helped him get to hospital visits.  We also saw God provide for Shawn in ways that we did not expect.  We learned that he had a family friend from his home country who was now a professor in St. Louis.  This family friend had become a Christian when he came to the U.S several years ago.  When he heard of this situation, he flew to Buffalo to help Shawn.  Shawn was deeply moved by the Christians God had placed in his life to help him in this time of need.  Although this situation was quite difficult, I could see God working through it to draw Shawn closer to Himself. 

I am learning more about what it means to serve others.  I am convinced that I must lovingly proclaim the gospel.  However, I am also convinced that God is calling me to live a life of compassion, care, and kindness to others.  How wonderful it is to know God and His love!  May we be people who experience this love and extend it generously to the people around us. 

Bridges International is a ministry of Cru dedicated to reaching international students with the gospel at the University at Buffalo.  We seek to welcome international students to Buffalo and lovingly share the gospel in both word and deed.  


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