An Update from International Students, Inc
When we first came to Long Island, we were tasked with pioneering a student ministry with international students on the various campuses. We knew few people and had no partners with which to collaborate. Through a series of appointments, emails, and networking, God opened the door for us at two of the major universities on the Island: Stony Brook University and Long Island University. As we built relationships with church and lay leaders, it became evident that God was at work opening doors for ministry. With each cup of coffee and lunch appointment we began to see what God had in store for international students on Long Island. We also developed ministry partnerships with other parachurch organizations, such as InterVarsity, and began to work together to reach students.
Many ministries and gatherings were already in place and ready for us to simply step in and join the fellowship. We hadn't anticipated this unexpected outcome. The more we trust God for His provision, the less these outcomes are becoming unexpected.